Friday, June 28, 2024

IRS reminds FATCA users of July 1 Responsible Officer Certifications and Upcoming FATCA Registration System Enhancements

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FATCA News & Information June 28, 2024

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Issue Number:  2024-12

Inside This Issue

  1. Reminder: Responsible Officer Certifications due by July 1, 2024
  2. Upcoming Enhancements to the FATCA Registration System

1.  Reminder: For the FATCA Certification Period Ending December 31, 2023, Responsible Officer Certifications are due by July 1, 2024

For the certification period ending December 31, 2023, FATCA Responsible Officer ("RO") certifications are due no later than July 1, 2024.

If an entity that is required to certify does not submit its certifications by the due date, the entity will not be in compliance with its obligations under FATCA. The consequences of being non-compliant may include the revocation of an entity's FATCA status and, ultimately, the entity's GIIN being removed from the FFI list.


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2. Upcoming Enhancements to the FATCA Registration System

The Internal Revenue Service will soon be announcing changes to the login process of the FATCA Registration system. 

To prepare for these upcoming system enhancements to the FATCA Registration system, the IRS requests that Responsible Officers log in to their accounts on the FATCA Registration system to verify that the contact information is correct. Please verify and update your FATCA registration information including email, phone number, and address for the Responsible Officer (RO) and Point of Contact (POC) listed.


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